Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Updates...

Saturday-Day 3
We woke up early to go work a clinic at a school, and arrived to find a dirt court outlined in chalk and a team a girls excited to play volleyball. After coaching them through some drills, we were able to play a mini match against them, and they were incredibly excited at the opportunity to get to play against the Americans. Afterward, Megan gave her testimony and outlined the importance to them of how we can try and try again and still fail, but with our hope in God, nothing is done in vain and hope is very real. Afterwards, we were all able to share more with the girls individually, and talk with them about the gospel.  Some had questions, and all of them fell completely attached to us, so much so that they ran  after our "took-tooks" (taxis) when we were leaving.

Later, we went with Paul Moses and his lovely wife Grace to go shopping for proper Indian attire! We had a fabulous time, and tried on anything and everything the store had to offer.  Grace was a wonderful guide, as she told us what was fashionable and worth buying.  (We totally looked like locals wearing our bright clothing to church on Sunday.)

Afterwards, we had a match against a college team who had a Christian coach.  Some of the girls on the team were Christians, but it was cool to be able to share our faith openly with a group of about 50 girls before the match.  In a country that is 98% Hindu, it was awesome to see the coach's passion for Christ, and how open and willing she was to speak of Christ.  After the match we talked with all of the girls, and they were excited at the opportunity to get to hang out with us more...(which i think will happen later in the week...)

We then went to an awards ceremony run by the organization we are teamed with here...made up of Christian athletes here in Chennai.  It was awesome to see the faith of so many young people in one area, who have been bold with the gospel here in India-using their sport as a means of ministry.

Sunday-Day 4
Today we woke up early to travel across town and go to a church service.  We attended and spoke in two services (the first for adults and the second for youth).  During the first, we all spoke and shared a little bit about ourselves and the things we loved about Indian culture and what God had been doing in our lives.  One of our main goals was to encourage them in their faith.  During the second, we girls performed a skit and then a few of us shared our testimonies after and what God had been doing in our lives. Both Robin and Coach Scott also shared.
People here worship with such passion.  No one cares what they look like, and no one cares how loud they are singing.  The worship was so loud inside our building, and often is every Sunday, that people in the surrounding neighborhood often blast HIndu music to drown out the church.  Do we worship like this in America? Do we challenge the belifs around us enough so that people feel they have to quiet us because of our faith? THe answer is more often times than not is no, and so that is why it was such an inspiration to see the passion of the individuals here.
After church we were invited downstairs to a man named Xavier's home, he lived in the same building as the church.  WE met his beautiful family and shared in a wonderful meal complete with INCREDIBLE coffee they made for us. Seriously, Starbucks has nothing on the tea and coffee here.  The faith of this family was also inspiring, as they shared with us the history of the neighborhood and the opposition they sometimes face. 
We then all went down the coast to the beach and ate at an incredible seafood place, all with Reegan, who is not only a great tourguide, but a great friend and leader to us here.

Monday-Day 5
 Today we got a lot of bonding time in the morning with our team. Kassen shared her testimony with the group, and it was wonderful getting to know her better and share in her story.  We all eventually will share with each other.

We then went to a Christian run school (1,100 kids, 10% Christians....50 teachers, 60% Christians) ...and did a clinic with the boys team.  THen we played against the boys team (and won :)) and then shared the gospel with them.  It was so fun getting to know them and racing the little boys and playing tag(they were so active and LOVED our attention to play games)...

We then went to a "cell group"-meaning a group that meets regularly to worship. The boys in the group were seated on a rooftop of a house when we arrived. it was so cool-they clapped so loudly and sang their hearts out and were SO EXCITED we were there, and were so excited to share their testimonies with us about how the Lord was working in their lives.  ...they all LOVE futbol/soccer and after the time meeting they were SO ANXIOUS to meet us and tell us their names. Most of them lied to us and said they were famous soccer players, I knew they were up to something when one of them said he was David Beckham.
The family who was in charge of the cell group was so humble and blessed by our presence, when in fact it was they who touched our hearts.

That is all for now! Keep checking in! We love you and your prayers are much appreciated!

Love, Abbie

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 2 in Chennai

   I left you all in Chicago so I am reaching back in hopes to pull you to the lovely hotel lobby that surrounds me. We are all splitting one hour of internet for 50 Rupees (44 Rupees=$1).
   The 14 hour plane ride from Chicago to Delhi took us over Greenland, Russia, & the middle east...it was so fun seeing the cities we sped over and the low temperature of -50 F that wrapped around our plane. The flight was not full so Layce & Kassen both had 3 seats to sleep across, my dad snuggled next to me & the wall roping in 5 hours while Megan & Abbie conversed with a woman Sheshi (they had prayed to connect with someone & found that through a commom love for math) and her son Rohan. Dinner, a bag of assorted snacks, breakfast, & movies/tv we all provided. Once in Delhi we had a few hold ups :) Layce was heavily questioned in customs, we had our passports & bags checked several times, and getting checked in again seemed to take 4 Indians a great amount of time. We quickly went through security, I was laughed at and asked the woman waving a stick around me what was the matter, she smiled and said they think we are beautiful...I quickly replied oh but YOU are beautiful and she grinned from ear to ear! We quickened our pace through the straight mile of terminal and made it to the gate just in time. Catching our breath only to find the ENTIRE airplane filled with males under 5 feet tall...one woman was spotted or so I hear!
   With God's protection and guidance we found Paul Moses and Regan once in Chennai and all piled into a bus. Speaking in my best Indian accent I recalled what Dell's Call Center man had said to me 1 week earlier. I told Regan how he was from Chennai and how ironic it was! Confused Regan asked at the end of my story, "Why are you speaking like that?" Embarrassed I sheepishly replied,"I don't know..." We all had a great laugh when he looked away!
   Cool showers that night felt wonderful as we slide into the beds of Marina Inn & caught 8 hours of sleep (Abbie had company in her bed...some blood splattered, she "was too tired to have them switch the sheets evidently!!!)
   Yesterday we had a hot hotel breakfast & then devotions lead by Robin-Our Identity in Christ. After we had a meeting with Paul, Regan, & Thomas (head, travel companions, interpreters, bargainers, etc) to get a better idea of our schedule. Basically we came away with this: "Morning, afternoon, & evening are the only for sure events in your day!" :) We traveled 4 minutes down the road to a nice but cheap restaurant for Naan (bread) and curry followed by a quick nap before we walked to the Field Hockey arena next to us. There we played a team winning one and losing one with a couple 15 year olds that substituted in for our missing 6th player. Now all drenched in sweat we traveled by, TookTooks (spelling? but pronounced that way) to an English and Tamil Church service. Abbie gave her testimony and Robin spoke on 4 "Proofs" that we are walking as a Believer. During the next service we (even Abbie's friend Erica & her husband that joined us) were all given a traditional gold necklace that goes past the pelvis. I was given the opportunity to share my store and as I was told by Megan, "set a good example of how to really connect with the crowd." Paul then spoke and really convicted us with Jeremiah 20:9-10. Kassen remarked that in the American mindset we feel it is best to work out our problems FIRST and THEN go to the Lord and do what He has asked. But Paul encouraged us by saying, "my troubles are much, every night give me courage and a BURNING passion to talk about the good news of the Gospel. We must not be afraid or ashamed! Success is going from failure to failure without getting discouraged!" We are all looking forward to working through the trials of the upcoming weeks and pressing on IN THE MIDST of them with Christ's help!
   Today we woke up at 6am and headed 15 minutes out by TukTuks to 'run a clinic' and play against the girls. Kassen shared her story with 20ish male futbol players on another field and my dad said it went really well! We came back to eat some breakfast and will be heading out with Paul's wife Grace to get fitted for the Indian dresses!!! We are all stoked to 'fit in' if that is possible!
  Thank you for the prayers! You all are loved and missed,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

D Day!!!

We made it safely from Denver to Chicago and now have another 3 hrs before we shoot off to Delhi!!! Made sack lunches with snacks late last night after a great practice with the 18's Colorado Juniors team in Monument, CO. Looking forward to a 12 hr time change once we arrive (1pm Mountain time is 1am in Chennai).
Megan Thornton's family is from Wheaton so her dad came to get her phone and we're watching our dads reconnect (Mr Thornton went on an SA Bball trip in '82 '83 & '87)! Thank you for all your continued prayers!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Colorado Springs Training Camp

Hey family & friends!
We will be hosting training camp at my house Monday and Tuesday prior to leaving at 6am Wednesday for Chennai, India via Chicago & Delhi. We'll get to know each other, go over possible skits, iron out our testimonies, and have a workout and practice. The home phone number here is (719) 268-0618 if anything comes up! Please pray for the 30 hours of plane & train travel! :)
In the grip of His grace,